LEV and COSHH Testing

DJN UK Ltd carries out LEV and COSHH testing all over the UK on all types of extraction systems. Our engineers hold a P601 Certificate from the British Occupational Hygiene Society and will provide you with a report of their findings.


By law, most LEV systems must be tested every 14 months. In practice this is normally taken to mean annually. Some systems need to be tested more frequently. Our engineers will work with you to ensure you pass, by advising any alliterations that may be needed to garantee a safe working environment.

Coshh Testing

More Information on LEV/COSHH Testing

Relevant Legislation / Regulations and Standards


  • Health and Safety At Work Act 1974
  • Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Fifth Edition) 2002 as amended
  •  Guidance Documents: HS(G)258


Frequency of Thorough Examination and Test


As laid down in HS(C)258 Section 10 point 329 the maximum time between tests of LEV systems is set down in COSHH and for most systems this is 14 months. In practice this is normally taken to mean annually. Should the effectiveness of a system degrade between testing due to wear and tear, then thorough examination and testing should be carried out more frequently.



Table 18 HS(G)258

Legal maximum intervals for thorough examination and test of LEV plant used in certain processes


  • Processes in which blasting is carried out in or incidental to the cleaning of metal castings in connection with their manufacture. 1 month
  • Jute cloth manufacture 1 month
  • Processes, other than wet processes, in which metals (other than gold, platinum or iridium) are ground, abraded or polished using mechanical power, in any room for more than 12 hours a week. 6 months
  • Processes giving off dust or fume in which non-ferrous metal casting are produced. 6 months
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Contact Us

Southwell Road W, Mansfield NG21 0HW

01623 559558

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